Essential Crops to Grow in Your Survival Garden

Crops to Grow in Your Survival Garden

When speaking about growing crops, most people usually imagine a small greenhouse surrounded by a couple of garden beds. Of course, this is a great and fun way to spend your free time, which results in getting fresh components for your favorite salad. However, it’s more than just a few herbs and tomato plants in your backyard if we are talking about a survival garden.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the variety of essential crops every survivalist should grow in their garden. But you shouldn’t rush when deciding on which of those to plant. Some might have a higher nutritional value, while others can be easier to grow in your climate. Also, you should compare how long they take before harvest and come up with an idea of where to store the veggies.

Since your homestead or farm might lack electricity (or the solar panels are simply not powerful enough for cooking), you must be well aware of which of those products you can eat in raw form. Frying vegetables on fire is not always an option because the process is somewhat time-consuming. With the survival garden, you must be ready for all kinds of situations!

Please, make sure you’ve consulted a doctor before eating the crops mentioned in this article. Diet changes might cause allergies and other symptoms.

Amaranth (pigweed)

The main advantage of this plant is that takes little water and pests usually ignore it. While it looks gorgeous, we are after those tiny crunchy black seeds that you can eat with cereals, salads, or pasta. You can also grind them into flour.

The pigweed is an impressive source of vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, and amino acids. The leaves can be eaten raw, but it’s recommended to stir-fry them just like spinach. By the way, did you know that you can brew fantastic beer with amaranth seeds?

Apples are Ideal for Your Survival Garden

The US is the second-largest producer of apples in the world. So why not join the statistics here. Some farmers say that it’s important to prune and shape each tree so that it grows healthy. Also, be prepared to spray pesticides and don’t forget to learn a bit of information about possible diseases because this will surely help you in the future. 

If everything is done correctly, you’ll get dozens of fresh fruits every year, and there is an enormous number of recipes with them. As for the vitamins, medium-sized apples contain vitamin C, K, B6, potassium, manganese, and copper. They are low in calories but nutrient-dense.


Once known as swamp grass, this perennial takes about five years to turn into a fully yielding plant from a seed. Luckily, the cooking process isn’t time-consuming here. You can choose to plant green or purple asparagus. While the latter is sweeter, these spears turn green when cooking.

The list of vitamins includes A, B6, C, E, folate, and calcium. It’s an excellent prebiotic that also reduces anxiety and provides you with a lot of energy.


This grass is world-famous for creation an inch standard (3 seeds equal 1”) as well as the base of many alcoholic drinks. Farmers plant it once the soil is dry in the spring and harvest it in the middle of summer. After it is collected, you then need to remove the edible part of the grain from the chaff. Soak it, and you’ll be able to cook stews, porridges, and salads.

Nutrition-wise, it contains several amino acids that help to reduce weight and sugar levels. On top of that, it is rich in vitamin B, loaded with fiber, helps balance gut bacteria, and prevents gallstones.

Basil is a Perfect Addition to Your Survival Garden

Along with adding an outstanding flavor to your meals, this herb contains polyphenols that boost your immune system. Vitamin K ensures stronger bones, while its antioxidants fortify cells. Furthermore, this adaptogen helps to improve your mood. As if it’s not enough, basil balances pH levels and promotes blood flow.

If you want to grow more than you can eat, you have to follow several care steps: 


  • Water it every week;
  • Remove the leaves once the plant has two sets of them.


  • Don’t use too much fertilizer;
  • Don’t let them go to seed.


Commonly used as a meat substitute, beans contain vitamins, minerals, all the essential amino acids, and most importantly, protein. The protein amounts help to maintain lean muscle mass. Moreover, beans are low in fat and high in fiber. The organism takes a while to digest them, which lowers blood sugar levels.

They can be added to any meal, and you will surely get that feeling of fullness after dinner. Also, they grow fast, especially when the soil is warm and dry. Thus, you won’t have to keep an eye on them.

Beets are Easy to Grow in Your Survival Garden

You can come across a variety of beets: white, red, golden, and candy cane. These vegetables are full of oxidants, minerals like potassium and magnesium, and vitamin C. Many doctors claim that beets improve liver detoxification as well as purify the blood.

However, it’s not all about their taproots. The greens are edible too, and in our humble opinion, sautéing them is the best option to cook them.

You’ll love to learn that the beetroots are super easy to grow – they neither attract pests nor are susceptible to diseases. After you sow seeds, you’ll need to wait for about six weeks before harvesting.


Here, you’ll also find an assortment of plants to pick from. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, huckleberries… the list goes on. Packed with vitamins and minerals, berries are low in calories and rich in fiber. They provide a healthy gastrointestinal tract, balance pH, and prevent heart diseases.

Have you ever heard that berries have the highest antioxidant levels among any fruits and veggies? Combined with vitamin C, anthocyanin, catechin, ellagic acid, gallic acid, they slow the aging process, provide better skin color, and even make joints more flexible.

Once gathered, you can freeze them for the whole winter to make smoothies and drinks and add them to porridges. The plants are self-sustainable, but it might take about 2-3 years until fruit.

Bok choy

Also known as Chinese white cabbage, bok choy is a highly recommended vegetable for those who want to have stronger bones. This benefit is achieved thanks to high levels of calcium, phosphorous, and Vitamin K. 

The entire vegetable is edible both raw and cooked, so you can stir-fry it, steam, add to your favorite soups or salads. It has a specific mild taste, but when harvested earlier, it becomes much sweeter. By the way, it grows quickly. Only 45 days are required for the plant to grow fully.


Did you know that broccoli’s close relatives are cabbage, kale, and Brussel sprouts? This cruciferous vegetable is entirely edible. While fresh broccoli is full of phytochemicals and antioxidants, vitamin C, K, A, and has decent protein and potassium amounts, the nutrient content can be altered depending on the cooking method you choose. For instance, it’ll lose fewer vitamins if you steam it.

It has multiple benefits for your heart and brain, reduces cholesterol levels in your body, and prevents allergic reactions. On top of that, that vegetable thrives in colder weather, which is rare among similar plants.

Brussel sprouts

Recently, Brussel sprouts have gained popularity due to their versatility allowing them to be used in any diet. This is partly because you can cook it or eat it raw.

Brussel sprouts are loaded with vitamin A, C, K folate, manganese, potassium, antioxidants, and have low calories. This helps to make your immune system stronger and prevents inflammations as well as some diseases. Next, the fiber they contain promotes digestive system health. As for growing, they don’t need much space, but it’ll take up to 31 weeks to produce sprouts.

Why Your Survival Garden Should Include Cabbage

Maybe some of you have heard of the anti-carcinogenic properties of cabbages. Unfortunately, cooking might destroy the component that is responsible for that, so it’s highly recommended to lightly steam them.

Additionally, cabbage helps stomach ulcers heal faster. It’s full of beta-carotene which allows your liver to detox itself. However, people with thyroid conditions should be aware of eating it because of goitrogens.

Once you plant it, you’ll get your harvest in less than 3 months. Just don’t forget to cover it with micromesh if your region is full of flies that like to eat it.


World-famous carrot is a great source of alpha, beta and gamma carotene, zeaxanthin, lutein, vitamin A, B, C, K, minerals, and fiber. You can find this vegetable in many colors, and you can enjoy it raw, cook, or juice it.

The health benefits that its components provide are an improved immune system, healthier skin, eyes, and teeth, stronger bones, and increased metabolism. Carrots also help prevent cancer, cleanse the liver and achieve proper cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

You don’t have to constantly check them, so you can rest assured that you will get your harvest anyway. Depending on the weather, they can take up to 4 months to mature.


This vegetable is famous for its low carb content, and it is widely used in the keto diet. As for the vitamins and nutrients, it’s super high in choline, which allows your brain to send signals to your muscles faster. Let’s not forget to mention the impressive vitamin C amount it has. Also, it comes packed with Anthocyanin which is a powerful antioxidant, Sulforaphane which promotes liver detoxification, and Isothiocyanate which reduces cancer risks.

Unlike broccoli or cabbage, cauliflower is very sensitive to climate changes, so growing it might take trial and error. 

Chives are Ideal to Plant in Your Survival Garden

Chives is a great source of choline, which is known for improving your sleep and learning process. Flavanols and organosulfur compounds found in this plant prevent inflammation, while vitamin A helps to maintain good eyesight. Additionally, chives are full of antioxidants like carotenes, zeaxanthin, and lutein. The grass-like leaves drastically reduce cholesterol production in the liver and normalize blood pressure.

The most successful way of growing chives is to wait until the sun becomes full so that it drains soil. Also, it requires good organic matter.


This is one of the oldest and famous crops in the world. You can think of it as both grain and vegetable. Besides vitamin A, E, K, and B6, it contains thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid. It also has a lot of minerals, such as iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, manganese. Last but not least, it is a great source of phytic acids. Along with protein, it does contain gluten, so be mindful of that.

All of the components are important because they lower the risks of heart diseases, diabetes, inflammation, and help to normalize digestion.

You can come across herbicide and insecticide-resistant corn so that it will make it easier to fight pests when growing it. Also, corn loves to grow in larger areas and takes up to 100 days to mature.


You might be surprised to find out that cucumbers contain 73 different phenolic compounds. These help to maintain the proper levels of blood sugar and cholesterol, cause anti-inflammatory effects, and contain antioxidants and fiber. Just don’t peel them when eating so that you can get all the vitamins.

Since cucumbers contain a lot of water, you’ll always stay hydrated while also getting all the necessary nutrients. On top of that, they kill bacteria in your mouth that cause bad breath and help to fight stress.

Apart from being easy to grow, they are quite prolific.

Interesting fact: while pickled cucumbers help digestion, it isn’t the best way to preserve all the healthy components.


Dill has exciting antibacterial effects so that you won’t have to go to the pharmacy to buy something against flue. It also works well against fungal infections. Along with being full of beta-carotene and vitamin C, it is known to settle the stomach and provide positive effects to your skin. When cooking, it adds exceptional flavor to the products.

Do you often feel nervous and tired? Try eating dill daily since it helps to deal with stress and bad mood. Moreover, it is packed with Magnesium, iron, and calcium, so nursing mothers should consider this when feeding their babies. 

It is very simple to grow and get a permanent supply – plant it a few times each month, and you are ready to go!


Have you ever heard about eggplants containing nicotine? However, there is no need to worry since its content is very low. On the other hand, it’s packed with vitamins, potassium, and fiber, which promotes the absorption of nutrients. It also allows your organism to process food effortlessly.

This vegetable also reduces the risks of anemia, repairs damaged cells and protects lipids in our brain. Moreover, this is the best option for people who want to lose weight.

Apart from eggplant flea beetles, nothing should disturb your plants. After two months, you’ll find the veggies (or it’s better to say berries) that are almost ready to be harvested.

Include Garlic in Your Survival Garden

While many people know that garlic boosts the immune system, it also reduces blood pressure thanks to the active compounds it has and normalizes cholesterol levels. Next, eating more garlic will provide your organism with antioxidants that slow down the aging process. Also, this plant allows heavy metals removal from the organism.

At the same time, you have to be careful with eating too much garlic, because it causes bad breath. Some might also suffer from garlic allergies.

One thing we especially love about garlic is that it takes minimum space to grow. But you have to be patient – it requires more than seven months until you can gather it.


Ginger is an excellent spice with many health benefits such as blood glucose levels control, gas relieving, and immune system boosting properties. Added to that, it allows your organism to absorb nutrients more efficiently, improves blood flow, relieves pain, and unclogs sinuses quite fast. Just like a cucumber, it can make your breath fresh and neutralize any bad taste.

Unless your climate is warm, it is impossible to grow ginger because it is a tropical plant. As an alternative method of growing it, you can plant ginger at home.

Jerusalem Artichokes

The prebiotic effect that Jerusalem artichokes provide helps to stimulate the activity in the gastrointestinal tract. They also control blood glucose levels, cholesterol, blood pressure, and improve blood formation. Full of vitamin B, these vegetables reduce inflammation and boost the immune system.

It’s great that this plant requires little to no attention and provides you with large potato-like tubers that can be eaten raw or cooked. However, it’s important to remember that you can’t eat leaves and hairy parts because these are known for causing choking hazards.

Your Survival Garden Should Include Kale

High contents of beta-carotene and vitamin C in Kale slow down the aging process and prevent damage caused by free radicals. At the same time, lutein, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids improve vision and ensure good skin. The recommended daily dose has more vitamins and minerals than you need. For example, it contains a lot of vitamin K, calcium, and iron, which ensures stronger bones.

It is also anti-inflammatory thanks to the well-balanced omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Thus, arthritis shouldn’t bother you at all. The best part here is that kale is low in calories while providing you with that feeling of fullness after lunch. Furthermore, it removes toxins from your body and improves immunity. Lastly, it is not hard to grow at all!


You can’t mistake the lavender scent, which is commonly used in aromatherapy. The tea made with lavender helps a lot to avoid anxiety and calm down your nerves. At the same time, you won’t feel drowsy even after a few cups. 

In the well-drained soil, it grows fast, and it can withstand heavy winds, heat, and lack of water. Depending on the climate you live in, it grows either as a perennial or as an annual.


Allicin contained in leeks helps to control the cholesterol level as well as blood pressure. The anti-bacterial properties of this plant boost your immune system. Thus, doctors often recommend it to pregnant women to ensure proper baby growth. 

Your heart muscles highly depend on vitamin B, and leeks have plenty of it, while iron and calcium prevent anemia. Also, its fiber helps your digestive system work better.

Leeks require at least 14 weeks for growing, and you have to make sure that the soil it sits in is fertile.


The world knows more than 12 varieties of this plant, and it can be eaten with or without a husk, which contains a lot of fiber. It’s highly recommended for people with low blood iron levels. After a small portion, you will feel full and energized again. Along with iron, they help to control blood sugar.

Antioxidant effects, especially from manganese, prevent free radicals impacts, while folic acid help to keep the baby healthy during pregnancy. Also, lentils improve intestinal regularity.

Before harvest, it takes about three months, and they require to be planted in sunny areas. They prefer soil pH levels somewhere around 6.5 points.


Do you like crunchy salads? Along with the pleasant sound comes rich nutrient content. It contains omega-3 fatty acids that improve your skin and prevent the degeneration of skin cells.

To get rid of insomnia, you simply need to add lettuce to your salads on daily basis. On top of that, you’ll notice stress relief and reduced anxiety. If you are after weight loss, this is also a great option due to its low calories and fats content.

Only about 1 month is needed for this vegetable to grow, and you go even further with a loose-leaf type that will help you avoid any fuss with it.


Not only they are sweet and juicy, but also melons are a great source of vitamin A, beta-carotene, and antioxidants. The latter prevents skin aging and protects it from sunlight while also causing a positive effect on our eyes. On top of that, you’ll be glad to find out that it has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps our digestive tract, and prevents asthma. Thanks to vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, melons lower blood pressure and protect the heart. It is also incredibly beneficial for our hair.

Just like other tropical and subtropical fruits, melons need sunny places and well-drained soils. Apart from that, they are quite easy to grow, but the maturation process might differ for each fruit.

Milk thistle

Also known as “silymarin”, this herb is famous for influencing the hepatocyte growth factor. It causes a positive effect on the liver: it reduces damage caused to cells by toxins and regenerates them. Along with being full of antioxidants, it boasts anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effects.

While growing them in your survival garden is not a big deal, you should know that they can overtake any plants that sit nearby.

Mint is Perfect for Your Survival Garden

This herb is known for its wide variety of uses and its sweet and cooling taste. It guarantees fresh breath and fights oral infections. By the way, you don’t have to make smoothies or tea every time – just chew a leaf for a few minutes to prevent any potential dental diseases.

It is a great source of vitamins A, B2, C, zinc, calcium, copper, and magnesium. If you add mint to your diet, you’ll notice that it helps to relieve indigestion. Also, its antispasmodic properties soothe the muscles and relieve pain. Due to the inflammatory effects it causes, it soothes asthma symptoms. 

Before planting mint, you should prepare the flowerbeds so that they won’t invade other plants. It takes only 3 months before maturity.

Moringa Tree

Only in a couple of years, moringa tree has caught the attention of the medical community around the world with its high protein content, vitamins A, B6, and C, iron, beta carotene, phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium.

The components found in moringa lower blood sugar levels, which prevents blood diseases. It also reduces inflammation and cholesterol in your organism. For those looking for a crop that can keep the hormones balanced, this is an ideal solution. On top of that, you’ll get healthy skin and improved mental health.

Moringa tree likes slightly moist soil, but don’t water it too much so that its roots can develop normally. It can grow very high, but the trick is to top it, so you’ll get a small bush-like tree.


The nutrients and vitamins that you can find in nettle help to detox your body. Vitamin C and iron improve blood circulation. Also, studies have shown that its anti-inflammatory effect works great against arthritis and muscle pain. It strengthens bones and helps with respiratory conditions.

As for growing, you can plant them indoors and then take them to your garden. The harvest will be ready in 3 months.

Okra is a Must in Any Survival Garden

The “ladyfingers” can be found in red or green color. Despite the type to pick, you’ll always end up having green ones after cooking them. Okra contains vitamin C and K1 that control the immune system and blood clotting respectively.

It’s low in carbs and calories but rich in fiber and antioxidants. This plant promotes muscle growth and prevents heart diseases. 

Of course, it likes a warm climate, but it’s OK to start growing it in the pot. The maturity is then reached in 2 months, and the fruits will be available for multiple weeks.


Everybody knows that onions are packed with vitamins and minerals. For example, they are full of chromium that maintains blood sugar balance. Also, they contain biotin which is needed for healthy hair. Vitamins B6 and C are responsible for metabolism and the immune system, while sulfur is needed for liver detoxification. Onions have strong anti-viral properties, and their components are great for your heart.

To make sure that they keep as many vitamins as possible, you should remember to lower the heat when cooking. Next, don’t cook them for too long and never cut them too thin.


Here is another member of the mint family. This plant is rich in compounds that prevent damage from free radicals. Moreover, its essential oil fights well against various bacteria and decreases chronic inflammation. Consequently, your organism will be more resistant to viral infections. 

If you want to plant oregano, don’t hesitate to do so because its presence will be beneficial for other veggies. With the well-drained soil and full sun, it will reach maturity in 45 days.


You can find this herb in many gardens, and this is due to the simplicity of growing it and various medical effects. The seeds are known to work great against flatulence and colic pain, the roots are excellent diuretics, and its juice is used to treat kidney ailments. Apart from that, it causes a beneficial effect on your bones, removes toxins from the body, and fights cardiovascular diseases. The anti-bacterial properties ensure good breath.

To get the most out of your harvest, plant the parsley in the sunny area and water the soil regularly.


This root vegetable resembles carrot but has a unique spiced flavor with some extra sweetness. Just like carrots, you don’t need to cook them. Parsnips are packed with vitamins B, C, E, K contain a high amount of potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous, zinc, and iron, and have a lot of fiber.

This vegetable allows your digestive tract to function better, improves metabolism, prevents depression, and eliminates free radicals.

From seeds to roots, they need more than 4 months. The process will go faster if you provide them with sun and moist soil.

Peanuts are a Great Addition to Your Survival Garden

These delicious nuts are full of fats that promote good heart health. Thanks to manganese, they normalize blood sugar regulation. If you eat a small portion of the peanuts daily, the risk of developing gallstones will be reduced drastically. The combination of components allows you to fill full longer, so it’s a great weight management choice. Also, they are full of niacin, which helps to improve your memory.

Before planting peanuts, prepare a bowl with moist soil and remove the shell. If you keep them inside until the weather gets warmer, you should be able to get the harvest in four months.


Many healthcare associations and organizations recommend consuming legumes regularly as they have multiple benefits. As such, they reduce heart diseases and free radicals damage caused to your organism, lower cholesterol levels. On top of that, they are packed with vitamin C for your immune system and help to improve your skin.

These delicious vegetables take about two months to grow, and you can choose to plan them either inside or outside.


When speaking about bell peppers, red ones have the most nutrients, but all of them are extremely beneficial. They contain beta carotene that helps to improve vision, vitamin C that boosts your immunity, and low calories. Additionally, they improve the condition of your digestive system.

They only need some extra care in the early developing stages. Later, they won’t require that much attention. Depending on the type you’ve picked, they can grow mature in two or three months.


Do you know why potatoes can be deemed as the most important vegetables in your diet? This is because of the amount of energy they can provide you with. The high potassium content ensures a good supply of ions in your body. Eating potatoes with skin allows you to get more calcium, iron, and phosphorus.

While there is a common misconception that potatoes are responsible for gaining extra weight, this isn’t going to happen if you lower the amount of butter that is used when cooking.

Growing potatoes is a simple process, and you’ll always get an abundant harvest. The thing is that you might require extra help when digging the soil.


While pumpkins aren’t very easy to cook, eating them fresh allows you to get as many vitamins as possible. They are packed with vitamin A, beta-carotene, potassium, and fiber. You shouldn’t be afraid of gaining extra weight with them because they have almost no calories and no fat.

Growing pumpkins can bring a lot of fun, especially if you love making Halloween decorations. All you need to do is to hide it from cold weather, provide them with plenty of water and sunlight, and you’ll be able to enjoy this massive type of squash.

Add Quinoa to Your Survival Garden Crops

This gluten-free cereal is nutrient-dense, while also being full of protein and all the essential amino acids. Moreover, it contains magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, and antioxidants. Quinoa is anti-inflammatory, and it has an anti-depressive effect.

The good news is that it grows almost in every climate, doesn’t need that much space, and needs only about 90 days to mature.


If you are looking for something that can help you to clean sinuses, radish is a great option as it removes mucus from different parts of your body. Apart from that, you’ll be happy to know that it supports your liver and kidneys as well as the lymphatic system.

It only takes three weeks to mature after planting, so you can organize a constant supply of this fast-growing vegetable.


Rhubarb has its distinct sweet and tart taste, but this is not the only reason why we’ve included it on our list. When eaten raw, it will supply your body with vitamins C, K potassium, magnesium, and manganese. Doctors admit that it normalizes digestion and improves cognitive function.

The plant does need sun but also can grow in partial shade. The soil needs to be well-drained and rich. But keep in mind that it takes two years to grow after you seed it.


This vegetable appeared as the result of crossing cabbage and turnip, and both its parts are edible. Full of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron, rutabagas reduces blood pressure, aids your digestive function and metabolism, and boosts immunity.

This plant needs a longer growing period and requires cooler days to mature. You can plant it in containers if you want, just make sure that you leave more free space for each of them.


Sorrel is another popular herb that boasts multiple health-promoting abilities. It increases blood circulation, helps your immune system, digestive tract, and it’s full of vitamins A, B6, and C. This herb also has a lot of dietary fiber.

In open areas with dry soil, sorrel thrives and gives many leaves. Only two months are needed before it is ready to harvest.

Your Survival Garden Should Have Spinach

The top benefits of eating spinach are its rich nutritional profile, anti-inflammatory effect, heart diseases prevention, and immune system boost. This is all due to the higher content of vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, calcium, and potassium.

It is a fast-growing plant, as only 6 weeks are needed before it’s ready. In addition, you don’t have to water it too often.


Butternut squash is easy to recognize because of its cocoon shape and orange flesh inside. Apart from the flesh, you can also roast and eat its seeds. As for the concentration of nutrients, it includes vitamins A, C, fiber, zinc, protein, folate, potassium, and various antioxidants. It protects your heart health, preventing strokes, atherosclerosis, and other issues.

 You start growing it indoors in the pot, and then you can prepare the beds as the weather becomes warmer. The growing season is quite long, and it takes about 4 months to mature.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are rich in micronutrients and they ensure stronger bones, better skin, proper cell functions, mood enhancement, and cardiovascular health. Since they are full of antioxidants, they help to fight against free radicals. As a drawback, they lack omega-3, so you have to be mindful of that.

The sunflowers prefer warmer climates, and their growing season usually takes from 90 to 120 days.

Sweet Potatoes

If you compare sweet potatoes and their regular cousins, you’ll notice those lower amounts of calories and carbohydrates. Moreover, sweet potatoes have more vitamin A, fiber, and antioxidants, which ensures better skin and vision. Interesting fact: the nutritional content correlates with the color of the root.

You can call this crop fragile, as it can’t withstand cool weather. At the same time, you’ll be surprised by the abundance of the harvest if it grows in a warm climate.

Swiss Chard

Even astronauts admit the importance of this vegetable since they’ve picked it to be the first one grown in space. Swiss chard contains chlorophyll, phytochemicals, and fiber that help to prevent cancer. Next, people who suffer from diabetes will like that it helps to normalize blood sugar levels. Additionally, vitamin K and calcium will ensure stronger bones.

This plant is not demanding at all – with a bit of fertilizer, you will be provided with many green leaves that contain a lot of vitamins and minerals.


Commonly used as a spice or tea, thyme is known to slow down aging processes, treat acne, and stabilize blood pressure. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects and improves your respiratory health. Thanks to the high iron content, it can provide up to 20% of RDA.

While this herb feels comfortable in rocky areas, it doesn’t like moist soil. After the first year, be prepared to prune it regularly.


These juicy plants are used in a wide range of recipes. Due to the rich fiber content, they keep you full without those extra calories. They contain a lot of potassium, which normalizes blood pressure, and vitamin C is required for skin health.

Perhaps tomatoes are the best plant for beginners to grow in their survival garden as they are self-sustainable and provide you with a lot of fruits.


The curcumin that this plant contains has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. It also helps to reduce the risks of heart and brain diseases as well as age-related diseases.

Turmeric grows like a weed in sunny and well-watered flowerbeds, but you’ll need your patience – the whole cycle might take up to 10 months.


No one doubts the popularity of this crop, and the number of recipes you can find with it is big. Still, some might question the idea of growing wheat as it contains gluten. Various surveys show that wheat is proven to help avoid gallstones, prevent type 2 diabetes and cancer. It is also a great source of fibers and antioxidants.

At first, it might seem like a daunting task, but growing wheat in your survival garden is possible. It takes up to 8 months to reach maturity, and you need to be aware of all wheat pests and diseases beforehand.


The complex of vitamins in wheatgrass includes A, C, E, K, and it contains amino acids and minerals. Its juice is full of elements that improve your immune system, remove toxins from your body, and boost metabolism. Moreover, it lowers blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels.

It is a very fast-growing type of grass that doesn’t need much sunlight. You can plant it in the pot and enjoy it after 10 days.


Also known as courgette, zucchini can help a lot for those who have extra pounds. It is rich in fiber, vitamins, and beta-carotene, which improves your immunity. Magnesium is beneficial for heath health while antioxidants flush out all the unwanted toxins from your organism.

Zucchini loves a warm climate, grows fast, and doesn’t need much attention. Adding a bit of fertilizer might help, and you’ll notice the germination in a few days.

Creating Your Survival Garden Crop Plan

We hope that our article helped you find out which crops are a must-have in your survival garden. With this information, it should be easier to plan your diet as well as analyze which of those plants can be used as medications or have the beneficial effects that you are after. Happy gardening!

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